How to Submit to USALI Perspectives

We welcome submissions on a wide range of topics relating to East Asia and law: domestic law, comparative law, and public and private international law are all within the scope of a USALI Perspectives essay. Essay topics should be current and relate to law in action, although history may be discussed to illuminate the present, and theory may be juxtaposed with practice. Legal disputes, decisions by courts and other tribunals, legislation, legal reform proposals and experiments are all grist for essays. We will not publish book reviews as such, but welcome essays that respond to published books and articles by other authors.

Essays should be about 1,000 English words and should be written for the non-specialist reader in an engaging style. If submitted essays are significantly longer, we will ask the authors to trim them. Authors should use embedded links to help readers find relevant source material, legal texts and the like – including materials in languages other than English. Please do not use footnotes. We will follow the Chicago Manual of Style.

It is recommended that authors first contact one of the board members with their idea for consideration, and have a preliminary conversation that includes agreement about a deadline. Fully written submissions may also be sent without preliminaries and without guarantees. Each submission will be read by someone on our editorial board, who may suggest revisions or rephrasing for clarity in a collaborative spirit. Authors are asked to actively engage in the review and editing process.

Diverse perspectives are welcome and desirable. If a particular essay deals with a very contentious subject or stakes out a contentious position, we may invite response essays.

The essays will be organized by volume according to the academic year, and will be published under a Creative Commons license. Authors may republish them elsewhere after they appear in USALI Perspectives, but we ask that the republished article include a reference and link to the original publication by USALI.  

We will include a brief author profile (name, position, affiliation) with an author-provided photo and a link to the author’s full bio page. 
