Maritime Dispute Resolution Project

The Maritime Dispute Resolution Projects seeks to better understand the circumstances in which interstate maritime disputes are successfully resolved and distill lessons for governments.

The project is led by Peter A. Dutton, who is professor of strategic studies at the U.S. Naval War College, adjunct professor of law at the New York University School of Law, and faculty advisor to the U.S.-Asia Law Institute. To date, the project has examined 19 cases that have been adjudicated or arbitrated. Leading international lawyers and legal scholars have prepared case studies of the disputes based on the official records and discussed their findings at a series of workshops. Scroll down for links to the project outputs as they become available. These include a foreword by José E. Alvarez, professor at the New York University School of Law and faculty director of the U.S.-Asia Law Institute, an interim summary by Professor Dutton after examining the first batch of nine cases, and selected case studies.


Maritime Dispute Resolution: Round One


Generalizations and Half-Truths about International Dispute Settlement

By José E. Alvarez, Herbert and Rose Rubin professor of international law at the New York University School of Law and faculty director of the U.S.-Asia Law Institute

Case Studies

The case studies used in this project span a range of fact patterns, geographic locations, political circumstances, and dispute resolution forums. Most of the cases analyzed in the first two rounds were resolved through adjudication or arbitration. Future rounds will analyze cases resolved through other approaches, such as negotiation and conciliation, and will address the political dynamics of dispute resolution. This will enable a full assessment of the range of options available to states seeking to settle maritime disputes.

Research Report

Testing the Boundaries

By Peter A. Dutton, professor of strategic studies at the US Naval War College, adjunct professor of law at the New York University School of Law, and faculty advisor of the U.S.-Asia Law Institute


Maritime Dispute Resolution: Round Two

Case Studies

Maritime Dispute Resolution: Round Three

Case Summaries in Brief

By Nax Hamouche and Peter A. Dutton
