Trial-Centered Justice in China
The Role of Evidence Rules
From 2019-2021, the U.S.-Asia Law Institute conducted a project to support the reform of China’s evidence rules as used in criminal trials. The project was partially inspired by an official reform initiative, first announced at a plenum of the Communist Party Central Committee in 2014, to “make the trial the center of the case” (以审判为中心).
The name of the initiative tacitly acknowledges that criminal cases in China have typically been decided by processes conducted outside of court: namely, the assembly of a case dossier that provides the basis for the verdict. Police create the dossier, and prosecutors may amend or supplement it. Evidence from witnesses is presented in the form of written statements that are not generally subjected to cross-examination by the defense.
While it is still unclear what “making the trial the center of the case” may ultimately mean, reform pilots carried out in Chinese courts have tried to bring witnesses into court to testify in person. This seemingly simple move has proven challenging for many reasons. One is that China’s evidence rules do not require live witnesses or cross-examination, nor do they address the complications that may follow from live testimony – such as what to do if a witness’ in-court testimony conflicts with his or her pre-trial statement. Courts have been making increased use of “expert evaluators” (鉴定人) as witnesses at criminal trials, and Chinese criminal justice experts have expressed concern that the evidence rules do not sufficiently address the role of such witnesses. Chinese experts also have called for more specific rules about the use of digital evidence, which is playing an increasingly important role at trials in China as in other parts of the world. In short, the 2014 Central Committee plenum decision and later developments highlight a need and present an opportunity to reform China’s evidence rules for criminal trials.
The U.S.-Asia Law Institute has collaborated for many years with Chinese lawyers and law scholars to conduct comparative law research and hold workshops on hot topics in criminal justice. For this project, we surveyed our Chinese partners about what areas of evidence law they consider most important to “make the trial the center of the case.” Based on their input, we designed a series of workshops to introduce U.S. law and practice in those key areas. COVID-19 forced us to conduct the workshops remotely, but this in turn enabled us to record the proceedings and share excerpts with a wider audience. Five recorded excerpts can be found at Evidence Law in the US. They address: the basic concepts of evidence law in the United States with the Federal Rules of Evidence as a model, the importance of live witnesses, cross-examination, expert evidence, and digital evidence.
Chinese Evidence Law Research
As part of our project, we translated into English two important new articles written by leading Chinese criminal justice experts about the use of evidence in Chinese criminal cases.
Wang Jinxi, “Cognitive Bias in Forensic Science: The Psychological Source of Forensic Errors,” USALI East-West Studies 1, No. 8, July 29, 2021. The original Chinese article will be published later in 2021 by Tsinghua China Law Review.
Gao Tong, “A Theoretical Review of the Multiple Ways ‘Persons with Specialized Knowledge’ Are Used in Criminal Court Proceedings,” USALI East-West Studies 1, No. 9, July 29, 2021. Find the original Chinese article here.
Other relevant research in English
Guo Zhiyuan, Torture and Exclusion of Evidence in China, China Perspectives [Online], 2019-1, Online since 19 March 2019.
Guo Zhiyuan, Live witnesses in Chinese criminal courts: Obstacles and reforms, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice (62) 2020.
Jereme Daum, Sometimes a rule of evidence is just a rule of evidence, China Law Translate [Online], Online since March 29, 2019.
Other relevant research in Chinese
吴洪淇, 证据的基本定位与法治化问题, 正义网, Online since September 21, 2019.
吴洪淇, 刑事证据审查的基本制度结构, Journal of China Law, Issue 6, 2017.
杨 波, 我国刑事证明标准印证化之批判, Journal of Law Science, Issue 8, 2017.
汪海燕, 印证:经验法则、证据规则与证明模式, Contemporary Law Review, Issue 4, 2018.
左卫民:“印证”证明模式反思与重塑: 基于中国刑事错案的反思, Journal of China Law, Issue 1, 2016 (an abbreviated version).
李崇涛, 仅凭“孤证”能否认定案件事实, Journal of People’s Procuratorate, Issue 20, 2018.
储陈城, 刘睿, “只有被告人供述“案件司法证明的谬误与厘清, Shangquan Law Forum [Online], Online since July 10, 2020.
龙宗智, 刑事印证证明新探, Chinese Journal of Law, Issue 2, 2017.
陈如超, 刑讯逼供的中国治理, Journal of Gansu University of Political Science and Law, Issue 1, 2015.
向燕, 性侵未成年人案件证明疑难问题研究, The Jurist, Issue 4, 2019.