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Asia Law Weekly: Diana Fu


Diana Fu
Assistant Professor of Political Science, The University of Toronto
Affiliate of the Munk School of Global Affairs Asian Institute

Tuesday, April 10, 2018
12:15-1:50 pm
Furman Hall Room 334
245 Sullivan Street
New York, NY 10012

Diana Fu is an assistant professor of political science at The University of Toronto and an affiliate of the Munk School of Global Affairs Asian Institute. Her research examines the relationship between popular contention, state power, and civil society in contemporary China.  Her book “Mobilizing Without the Masses:Control and Contention in China,” (2018, Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics Series and Columbia University’s Studies of the Weatherhead East Asia Institute) examines state control and civil society contention under authoritarian rule. Based on two years of ethnographic research that tracks the development of informal labor organizations, the book explores counterintuitive dynamics of organized contention in post-1989 China.

Articles that are part of this broader project have appeared in Governance (2017), Comparative Political Studies (2017), The China Journal (2018), among others.

She graduated with distinction from Oxford University (M.Phil. in Development Studies and D.Phil in Politics), where she studied as a Rhodes Scholar. Prior to joining the department, she was a Walter H. Shorenstein Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University.  She was also a Predoctoral Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her research has been supported by the Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation, the Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation, and the Rhodes Trust.

Her writing and research have appeared in ReutersThe EconomistForeign AffairsThe Washington PostBoston Review, Nick Kristof’s On the Ground Blog (The New York Times), PostGlobal, and Global Brief