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Asia Law Weekly: Hugh Scogin

Hugh Scogin


Wednesday, September 5, 2018
12:15-1:50 pm
Furman Hall Room 324
245 Sullivan Street
New York, NY 10012



Hugh Scogin was born in Charleston, SC, where he grew up after living in Taiwan from 1953 to 1956. He was an undergraduate at the College of Charleston, where he majored in European History, did graduate studies in Chinese history and philosophy at the University of Chicago and studied law at Harvard Law School. His career has combined teaching and research as a law professor with practicing international business law. He has taught at the University of Southern California School of Law, NYU School of Law and Yale Law School. His teaching and publications have focused on Chinese history, legal history, comparative law, and international business transactions. He has served as a senior corporate partner in the Shanghai and Beijing offices of international law firms and is a member of the panel of arbitrators of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Beijing. He first practiced as a lawyer in Beijing in the mid 1980’s and recently relocated to the US after spending 15 years in China.