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Asia Law Weekly: Roderick Hills Jr.

Asia Law Weekly: Roderick Hills Jr.

Monday, March 11
12:15-1:50 pm
Furman Hall, Room 318
245 Sullivan Street
New York, New York, 10012


About the Speaker

Roderick Hills teaches and writes in public law areas with a focus on the law governing division of powers between central and subcentral governments. These areas include constitutional law, local government law, land use regulation, jurisdiction and conflicts of law, and education law. His publications have appeared, among other places, in the Harvard Law ReviewPennsylvania Law ReviewMichigan Law ReviewStanford Law Review, the University of Chicago Law Review, and the Supreme Court Law Review. Hills has been a cooperating counsel with the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan and also files amicus briefs in cases on issues relevant to the autonomy of state and local governments and the protection of their powers from preemption. Hills holds bachelor’s and law degrees from Yale University. He served as a law clerk for Judge Patrick Higginbotham of the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and previously taught at the University of Michigan Law School. He is a member of the state bar of New York and the US Supreme Court bar.