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Asia Law Weekly: Sherry Broder

Photo: Sherry Broder

Photo: Sherry Broder

Sherry Broder
Attorney at Law

Wednesday, November 7, 2018
12:15-1:50 pm
Furman Hall Room 318
245 Sullivan Street
New York, NY 10012

Sherry P. Broder concentrates in complex civil litigation, constitutional law, human rights, and rights of Native Hawaiians and other indigenous people, appellate practice, international law, ocean law, water rights, and environmental law. She also regularly serves as a mediator, arbitrator and hearings officer. She has been appointed an arbitrator and consultant in international ocean law matters. Ms. Broder has been a consultant to the Foreign Ministry for the Republic of Turkey and United Nations Permanent Mission of the Federated States of Micronesia. Ms. Broder graduated in 1970 from Wellesley College as a Wellesley Scholar and in 1975 from U.C. Berkeley Law School with highest honors, Order of the Coif (top 10%).

She was the first woman President of the Hawai`i State Bar Association and 2016 President of the Federal Bar Association for the District of Hawai`i. She also been the President of Hawaii Women Lawyers and Hawaii Women Lawyers Foundation. She is currently the Chair of the Commission on Clean Water and Natural Lands, City and County of Honolulu. Ms. Broder teaches Public International Law and International Ocean Law at the William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa. She is the Director of the Jon Van Dyke Institute of International Law and Justice and a Senior Adjunct Research Associate at the East-West Center.

Ms. Broder serves as counsel for the 9,500 victims of torture during the dictatorship of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos and with the team won a $2 billion verdict, believed to be one of the largest personal injury verdicts in U.S. history. This case has been presented as a case study in many International Law textbooks, showing the development of human rights law.

Ms. Broder represented Hawai`i consumers and achieved a multi-million-dollar settlement and established a non-profit with the settlement funds that has sponsored epidemiological studies of the exposed children of Hawai`i and educational materials on environmental contamination of food supplies.

Ms. Broder has worked on international litigation, being appointed arbitrator and lawyer in maritime law disputes, participating in writing briefs filed by NGOs with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, advisor on secession issues, among other things.

She was the Deputy Chief Attorney at the 1978 Hawai`i Constitutional Convention assigned to the Hawaiian Affairs Committee. She drafted the constitutional provisions 2 creating the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, an agency for the benefit of native Hawaiians. She was the attorney for the 1982 Charter Commission for the City & County of Honolulu and the legislative analyst for the 2011-2012 Maui Charter Commission. She has represented clients in litigation in the Hawai`i, California, and New York state courts, several federal circuit courts, United States Supreme Court, and the courts of the Philippines, Switzerland and Singapore.

She has been in Best Lawyers in America for over 20 years (Woodward/White publishers) and a Super Lawyer of Hawai`i. She was selected Finalist -Trial Lawyer of the Year Award 1994, 1995, and 1997, 1992 Solo Practitioner of the Year by the ABA, 2015 Solo and Small Firm Lifetime Achievement Award, by the ABA, and Cox Price Human Rights Awardee from the University of Denver Law School in 2007.

Ms. Broder is Director, Secretary and member of the Finance Committee of the Sam L. Cohen Foundation with assets of over $40,000,000 in Maine, board member of the a member of the board of the East-West Center Foundation, Ved Nanda Center for International and Comparative Law at University of Denver Sturm School of Law, Kaleleonalani Foundation, dedicated to the preservation and revival of Native Hawaiian culture, PowerPacPlus, and Protect Our Defenders, a national organization providing free legal services specifically for survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment in the military. She serves on the Hawai`i State Bar Association Nominating Committee for the Hawai`i Supreme Court and is a Hearings Officer for the Office of Disciplinary Counsel, Hawai`i Supreme Court.

Her recent publications include: The LOSI in Hawai`i: Ocean Law and Policy Debates, 1977-96, Ocean Law Debates, THE 50-YEAR LEGACY AND EMERGING ISSUES FOR THE YEARS AHEAD, Scheiber, Oral and Kwon (eds.) (2016); GOVERNING OCEAN RESOURCES, A TRIBUTE TO JUDGE CHOON-HO PARK edited by Jon Van Dyke, Sherry P. Broder, Seokwoo Lee, Jin-Hyun Paik, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (2013); Responsibility and Accountability for Harm Caused by Nuclear Activities, 35 U. Haw. L. Rev. 575 (2013), Straits Used For International Navigation And Emerging Norms Of Customary International Law To Protect The Environment And Human Health And To Improve Safety, Ocean University, Qingdao, China School of International Ocean Law (2013), Geoengineeering: Ocean Iron Fertilization and the Challenges for International Regulatory Action, in REGIONS, INSTITUTIONS, AND LAW OF THE SEA: STUDIES IN OCEAN GOVERNANCE, (2013), Shipping Industry and the Imperative to Reduce Its Air Pollution and Black Carbon Emissions, in THE REGULATION OF INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF EDGAR GOLD, edited by Aldo Chircop, Norman Letalik, Ted L. McDorman, Susan Ralston, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (2012), Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas; Protecting The Marine Environment In The Territorial Seas And Exclusive Economic Zones, 40 Denv. J. Int’l Law & Pol’y 472 (2012), Regional Maritime Cooperation in the South China Sea: COBSEA and PEMSEA, MAJOR LAW AND POLICY ISSUES IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA, EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES, edited by Yann-huei Song and Keyuan Zou, Ashgate Publishing Ltd. (2014).