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CEDAW and the Protection of Women’s Property Rights 消歧公约与妇女财产权保护

Recording with the original English audio, recorded on April 11, 2023

Recording with Chinese simultaneous interpretation, recorded on April 11, 2023


CEDAW and the Protection of Women’s Property Rights



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Summary of the webinar:

Judith Bauder, a lecturer and researcher on public international law at the University of Vienna, explains the structure of the convention and the role of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (the Committee) in developing a jurisprudence on women’s property rights beyond the text of the convention. She introduces the four major types of Committee documents: general recommendations, views on individual communications, inquiry reports and concluding observations on member states’ periodic reports. She then draws from key articles of the convention, general recommendations, and the concluding observations from China’s seventh and eighth state reports to sketch out the landscape of women’s property rights in the context of gender-based violence (the right to safe shelter), marriage or family relations (the right to inherit property), as well as rural women’s property rights. She also raises examples of individual communications and the Committee’s inquiry report on South Africa to illustrate the point that member states will be held accountable if they fail to fulfill their due diligence obligations. The substantive rights articulated in these documents should be understood as part of a CEDAW jurisprudence  relevant to all member states. Finally, she shares information on how to access the Committee and resources for CEDAW advocacy. During the Q&A session, Ms. Bauder discusses how the committee’s recommendation on marriage registration might interact with the equality of LBT women who are unable to register their marriage, the relationship between international investment and the protection of women’s rights, and the limitations of the committee’s functions.



Webinar highlights

4:00 Overview of the convention and its structure

8:46 General Recommendations

11:37 The Optional Protocol

16:24 The CEDAW Committee

20:35 The implications of Committee’s views on individual communications for  other countries

25:12 Definition of gender-based violence under the convention and the Committee’s jurisprudence

31:52 Member states’ obligations with respect to gender-based violence

37:40 The inquiry report on South Africa

43:04 Women’s property rights in family relations

58:27 The concluding observation on China’s seventh and eighth periodic reports

1:02:58 Examples of the Committee’s views on individual communications

1:09:25 Women’s land and housing rights

1:12:45 Advocacy and access to the Committee

1:15:03 The Committee’s simplified reporting procedure and its potential impact on civil society engagement

1:17:16 Draft General Recommendation 40 on reaching equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems – in both the public and private sectors.

About the speaker 主讲人介绍:

Judith Bauder

Judith Bauder是维也纳大学国际公法和国际人权法的讲师、研究员。她目前正在与José E. Alvarez教授共同撰写一部有关联合国消除对妇女歧视委员会围绕妇女财产权衍生出的规则的专著,即将由牛津大学出版社出版。Judith曾为多个国际法规则制定机构提供咨询,包括位于日内瓦的联合国国际法委员会以及奥地利驻纽约联合国总部代表团国际公法委员会。Judith参与过奥地利平等待遇监察专员的实习项目,曾担任路德维希-波尔茨曼人权研究所和FIAN国际奥地利分部的顾问,并为马其顿青年律师协会提供各种人权专题咨询。通过在纽约大学Global Jusice法律诊所和维也纳难民法法律诊所工作,Judith也积累了多年诊所教育和人权活动的经验。Judith曾就学于维也纳大学、巴黎先贤祠-阿萨斯大学、澳大利亚墨尔本大学和美国纽约大学法学院,专攻法律和政治科学,拥有维也纳大学的政治学学士学位和法学硕士学位,并以富布赖特学者的身份获得纽约大学法学院的国际法律研究法学硕士学位。她专注于妇女权利这一亟待深入研究的议题,决心倾注自己的所学、所思、所想,推动性别平等。
