Credits and Acknowledgements


Authors:                Jeremy L. Daum and Seth Gurgel
Translators:                Chao Liu and Kuangyi Liu
Coordinating Editor:            Sharon N. Chaitin-Pollak


The U.S.-Asia Law Institute would like to thank:

Professor Jerome A. Cohen, Co-Director of the U.S.-Asia Law Institute, for his introduction setting U.S. death penalty law in a global as well as Sino-U.S. comparative context.

Dean Bingzhi Zhao of Beijing Normal University’s College for Criminal Law Science and President Yu Jia of Northwest University of Politics and Law, for their introductions to the Chinese edition of this book, which have helped tie the content of this book to today’s Chinese legal scene.

Professor Wang Xiumei of Beijing Normal University’s College for Criminal Law Science, for her support and assistance throughout this and many other projects.

Professor Jessie Allen of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, for her contributions and suggestions, which helped this book start off on the right track.

Senior Program Officer Haini Guo of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, for her work on this project in its early stages.

Associate Professor Ling Li of Northwest University of Politics and Law and Senior Research Fellow at the U.S.-Asia Law Institute, for her critical assistance on multiple aspects of the production and translation of this book.

Yu-Jie Chen and Yu Han, Research Fellows at the U.S.-Asia Law Institute, for their invaluable contributions to translation and its review.

Dr. Yu Ping, Consultant to the U.S.-Asia Law Institute, for his work launching the project and his provision of support and advice throughout the writing process.

And Executive Director Ira Belkin of the U.S.-Asia Law Institute, who saw the project to its completion in its final stages.