Event Recording: U.S.-China Business Relations - Can't Decouple

This event was held September 16, 2020.

Original Event Description: Some prominent members of the Trump administration seek to decouple the U.S. and Chinese economies with the stated goals of ending U.S. dependence on cheap Chinese manufacturing, bringing factory jobs home, and reducing theft of American IP.  Are they closer to their goal after two years of punitive tariffs, successive sanctions targeting senior Chinese officials and Chinese companies, and verbal attacks on China’s Communist Party as a “malign actor” and existential threat to the United States? And what have been the effects of China’s reciprocal tariffs and efforts to end its dependence on imported technology? One of the most authoritative voices in the American business community in China, James McGregor, will talk about how companies continue to do business in China amidst the storm and why decoupling is so hard.