Alvin Y. H. Cheung

Hong Kong: The End of Delusion

As the Hong Kong and Beijing governments continue their assault on civil society in the territory — through tactics ranging from arbitrary arrests and attacks on the legal profession to the gutting of liberal studies and the inculcation of loyalty to the CCP in the guise of "patriotism," neither "China experts" at large, nor professedly left-leaning academics, have engaged in any critical self-reflection on their culpability in Hong Kong's demise, writes Alvin Y.H. Cheung.

Implications of the Hong Kong Extradition Bill with Affiliated Scholar Alvin Cheung

Implications of the Hong Kong Extradition Bill with Affiliated Scholar Alvin Cheung

Hong Kong has been in the news over the controversy and protests surrounding the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation Bill proposed by the Hong Kong government. Our very own Alvin Cheung has been analyzing the situation across a number of platforms.

Gelatt Dialogue 2017: Watch & Read

On November 6, 2017 the U.S.-Asia Law Institute held its 23rd Annual Timothy A. Gelatt Memorial Dialogue on the Rule of Law in East Asia. This year’s theme - “China and International Law: Human Rights, Sovereignty, and Maritime Disputes” - focused on China's approach to international law during the Xi Jinping era as seen through the Communist Party's human rights record, Taiwan-Mainland cross-strait legal problems, China's maritime disputes in the East and South China Seas and the erosion of the Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong. This all-day event will feature speakers from China, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong as well as the United States.