
This Week in Asian Law

This Week in Asian Law

USALI’s weekly round-up of legal news from Asia. This week’s highlights include: China’s NPC approves a decision to change Hong Kong’s election system; five of 47 activists charged under Hong Kong’s National Security Law are released on bail; Japan marks ten years since the Fukushima disaster; South Korea’s Supreme Court rejects an appeal for justice from former inmates of a government-supported facility that used them as slave labor during the era of military dictatorship; migrant domestic workers’ in Taiwan seek legal protections.

This Week in Asian Law

This Week in Asian Law

USALI’s weekly round-up of legal news from Asia. This week’s highlights include: China begins its annual plenary meetings of the legislature and a consultative body; Hong Kong charges 47 people under the National Security Law for holding a primary election; Japan advances legislation to criminalize stalking by GPS; a South Korean transgender woman discharged from the army after sex-change surgery is found dead; the chief justice of Taiwan’s Supreme Court makes a public apology over a corruption scandal.